Looking ahead…
Here we are at the end of 2022 and I am finally taking time to pause and look ahead instead of constantly looking behind. I feel as if I am constantly playing “catch up,” trying to finish projects right at the deadline or finish tasks that I should have done yesterday. Hence, writing my monthly blog post on the 31st! But now I am taking a few minutes to turn my attention in the other direction, and look at all that is to come.
It has been quite a first few months at Typing Monkey Publishers, full of learning and growing. Looking forward into 2023, there are many new projects on the horizon for us to celebrate. Our readers can look forward to two new releases from newly signed authors. I'm not going to give away all the details now, but look for announcements in early 2023 to snag your copies of these new works. It’s an exciting time here at Typing Monkey Publishers and we are thrilled to share it with you in the near future. So make sure you join the email list and stay tuned.
We aren’t going to stop at just those Spring releases, either! We are continuing to explore several genres and authors - education, cooking, memoirs, short stories, and more. We are also exploring the possibilities presented by ebooks and audiobooks. Typing Monkey Publishers is poised to grow and exceed our wildest exceptions! I cannot share too much at this time, but 2023 promises to be full of challenges and victories. Please continue to support us on this journey. Feel free to chime in on the discussion in the comments section and let us know what you are looking forward to in 2023.